Thursday, July 2, 2009

4th of July Special - Rolling 9/11 Memorial & Trucks in Red, White & Blue!

In light of the upcoming 4th of July celebration, I decided to find some photos of big rigs with American flags, stripes & colorings on them.

I see a lot of beautiful big rigs with patriotic designs like the Star Spangled Banner or the bald eagle displayed on them, but the problem is that I'm usually on the move myself when I see them and I'm unable to take pictures. I really should mount a camera system on my car so I could snap photos as I roll up and down the freeway. Maybe someday I'll work something out.

Enjoy the following patriotic display of trucks in red, white & blue and have a Happy & Safe 4th of July 2009 celebration! Happy Birthday America!!

A perfect line up of trucks in red, white & blue! (Photo taken by my brother)


an amazing tribute to the 9/11 victims!

I want to start with a special treat I found in my search for patriotic trucks. It is an amazing memorial tribute to the victims of the 9/11 tragedy. The tribute is called "Rolling Memorial" and is a big rig that is customized with a mural in honor of the victims of the 9/11 tragedy, along with the names of all the people that died in this attack. The truck is owned by a truck driver named John Holmgren and he was inspired by Darryl Worley's song, "Have You Forgotten". The customization of his truck cost him $40,000 and despite selling t-shirts and various merchandise to cover his expenses, he still ended up deep in the red over this project.

John and his truck have become very popular & are invited to events and concerts all across the country. Inbetween displaying his truck at events, it also is still in service as a regular truck.
The only problem is that John keeps getting pulled over by the highway patrol as they want to check out & take photos with his truck, and frankly, I can't blame them. I hope someday to see this truck for myself, it would be an amazing sight.

For now, I have photos that I want to show you. Here are the photos of this amazing rolling memorial tribute to the 9/11 victims:

The American Spirit - Big Rigs with Patriotic Designs

Below is a collection of big rigs with custom designs in the form of American flags or red,white and blues. I'm not going to put any commentary on these, just sit back, watch & enjoy these trucks, they're quite spectacular.

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